I work at an inner-city elementary charter school. There have been multiple accounts of repeated sexual harassment from one of our administrators. This individual has made inappropriate comments to my and my co-workers, including calling my voice "seductive" when I had lost my voice, and also warning another staff member that she might get a "chest cold" walking outside without her jacket (and wearing a lower cut, but not revealing, top).
The real problem is when two teachers quit due to his repeated advances towards them. He emailed them, called them, and asked them to go out to dinner with him in a non-professional setting. They refused, and he kept calling them and making them quite uncomfortable. He is married and has children. He talked to other staff members about how he wanted to have sexual relations with these (and other) staff members. Another teacher confided in me that she was also harassed in a similar manner the year before. He would call and text her all hours of the night and ask to get together.
We work at a low-performing elementary school where our focus is supposed to be on trying to help these kids get up to grade level. It is very disturbing that some people view this as a dating service.
--Anonymous submission